The HOP ABOARD! programme is an exciting partnership project between Estuary 2025 and Southeastern, focusing on engaging young people along the Southeastern rail network as part of the wider Railway 200 programme celebrating the 200th anniversary of the modern railway. This project emphasises creativity, education, heritage, and innovation while connecting local communities with the festival's dynamic offerings and programme.
Key Aims of the HOP ABOARD! project:
- Find imaginative ways for young people to create a range of artistic responses around their experiences of train travel connected to Estuary 2025’s ‘Vessels’ theme and the 200th anniversary of rail Railway 200.
- Connect young people to the Estuary 2025 artworks and festival programme that celebrates the rich heritage of the Estuary region, showcasing it through nationally and internationally credible artworks.
- Empower young people by providing creative opportunities within their schools and colleges and highlight potential career opportunities
- Encourage skill-building through live briefs, placements, and workshops.
- Highlight Estuary environmental themes that may include cutting-edge technology and innovative practices.
- Share the unheard stories of journeys and communities along the Southeastern rail network, spotlighting the connection between railway culture and the Estuary's vibrancy.
Scope of Work
The commissioned artist will play a central role in delivering HOP ABOARD! by working closely with local schools, colleges, Estuary 2025 staff and Southeastern to create a meaningful and impactful project.
The commissioned artist’s role includes:
1. Live Briefs - (1 day prep + 2 days in college)
- To deliver live project briefs for students at Medway College of Art and North Kent College, mentoring and guiding students through the creative process and inspiring directions they could take the work in.
2. HOP ABOARD! Exhibition
- To inform students that their outcomes will form the content for the HOP ABOARD! exhibition at The Historic Dockyard Chatham during Estuary 2025 therefore ensuring the work aligns with the festival's overall vision.
- Working with students to consider how they might like their work to be displayed as part of their outcome.
3. School engagement programme - (2 days prep + 5 workshop days)
- Design and deliver an in-school workshop for both primary and secondary that resonates with the festival theme of ‘Vessels’ and connects with school curriculums.
- Using your own creative practice to find ways to connect young people’s creative ideas to the themes and ideas of the Estuary 2025 programme (See commissioned artworks), building excitement and connecting to school visits to see the festival.
4. Co-produce an Estuary 2025 ‘Vessels’ school's pack that will be shared with Secondary & Primary schools for the summer term - (3 days)
- Working with the Estuary team to develop the content of the activity pack, including classroom prompts and artist-led activities for teachers to explore in schools during the lead up to the festival, to connect them with the activity, opportunities and themes.
- Creating the final design of this content before it goes to print.
Project launch
March 2025
School engagement programme
March–June 2025
Development and design of activity pack
April 2025
Delivery of live briefs and college workshops in Medway School of Art and North Kent College
May-June 2025
Exhibition presentation
Estuary 2025, 21–29 June
Budget and Support
The artist total fee for this project is £3250.
We have a separate budget for any travel costs for this project. Support will be provided by Estuary 2025 staff to facilitate project delivery.
How to apply
Please see the full project brief before applying. Please APPLY HERE by 9am on Thursday 13 March. You can preview the application form questions here.
We also accept video applications - you can record your answers instead and send them to us on [email protected].
If you require any access support, or have any other questions related to your application, please get in touch with us on [email protected].